
º¬Ðß²Ýapp Tools

º¬Ðß²Ýapp County school's logo

º¬Ðß²Ýapp County school's logo
º¬Ðß²Ýapp County Schools

Our Shared Vision:

º¬Ðß²Ýapp County Schools is a collaborative culture of high performing students, teachers, and school communities.


Mission Statement:

º¬Ðß²Ýapp County Schools commits to growing learners who are college and career ready through quality instruction, effective use of resources, building a collaborative culture, and strong leadership.


Quality Instruction

  • Teachers deliver quality standards-driven instruction that is informed by student results.
  • Quality instruction provides students with self-directed thinking/learning experiences.
  • Authentic learning experiences allow students to be engaged in learning, to have opportunities to develop character, and to be prepared to contribute to the community.
  • Students receive quality feedback and equal access to differentiated instructional opportunities (enrichment/intervention) based on individual needs.
  • Teachers engage in ongoing, job-embedded professional learning to design and deliver quality instruction.

Collaborative Culture

  • The diversity in thinking of all those who are invested in education is welcomed.
  • Structured opportunities are in place to promote collaborative discussions that include an atmosphere of mutual respect.
  • Collaboration is student-focused dialogue with a shared purpose.
  • Trust encourages the use of innovative and unique solutions.
  • Purposeful and intentional communication among all stakeholders cultivates a culture for results.


  • Effective leaders understand the vision and consistently communicate and model it to all stakeholders.
  • Keeping the vision in the forefront, leaders involve all stakeholders in setting goals and improving their organization.
  • Leaders set high expectations and hold themselves and others accountable for results.
  • There is a commitment to building and growing leaders at all levels with an intentional focus on improving student learning.
  • Leaders grow other leaders by modeling transparency and by working collaboratively.
  • Leaders are strategic in making decisions based upon the examination and analysis of data.

Resource Utilization

  • The district continuously recruits, develops, and retains exemplary employees.
  • There is access and equity in the use of facilities, materials, and technology for instruction.
  • Community and business resources are aligned to support student needs.
  • Resources are strategically utilized for collaborative learning among schools and across the district.

Our Beliefs

  • We believe in a safe and supportive environment that holds high expectations for students and staff.
  • We believe in students, parents, school employees, and community members working collaboratively and respectfully as partners in the education of all learners to develop prepared graduates.
  • We believe in an inclusive culture that embraces diversity, gives equal access to each child, promotes responsibility and supports positive self-esteem.
  • We believe that by engaging minds and developing character, we will prepare students to become competent, employable citizens.
  • We believe in the use of data to continually assess our decision making to ensure each student has the opportunity to achieve at proficient and advanced levels.
  • We believe in implementing policies and procedures that focus on achieving the educational goals of our school system.

The º¬Ðß²Ýapp Connect site is the technology information and training hub to support º¬Ðß²Ýapp County educators, students, and parents.